Wednesday, May 17, 2006


After exams

Time for a new post... Yeah, I haven't really been doing enough blog-wise lately...
Every time I think of something fun to do I say make a promise to myself that I'll do it after the exams. So here are my post-May 30th self-promises that I probably won't come through with but yeah...

Get a job internship from my sister-
I kind of get to be on TV. I move around seaweed, trees and other cardboard cut-outs that come on kids programs. Sounds easy and probably will be fun.

Help the school-
1. Help with the end of year slideshow
2. Go for the school concert rehearsals and help with the graphic design stuff

Sell Vaporizers-
It’s easy and semi-honest money. If you are interested in buying one, please contact me somehow

Buy more video games-
I have 1gb of ram, fx5500 256mb graphics card, 2.4 Gigahertz, P4 processor etc. etc. and I've still only been playing the games that Anthony and Gayan installed on my computer. I'm planning on getting- Battlefield 2, kotor2, Doom 3, Quake 4, F.E.A.R, UT 2004, Call of Duty 2 and a few others.

Get a girlfriend-
Yeah... after exams

Play more guitar-
I'm finally getting good on guitar, now I need to work on speed exercises and learn to play solos

Hang out with new people-
I've met a lot of cool people lately, just haven't had the time or freedom to meet up with them or hang out with them.

Make music on Fruity Loops-
I've realized that techno is the easiest music to make. Mylo himself produced his entire first album on a G4 (macs still suck). After you get the basics down, it's just down hill from there.

Add more to my blog-
I haven't really been in much of a writing mood for a while so I'm hoping that after exams that should change.

Learn to surf-
Surfing looks so damn awesome. It's too cool not to take up.

Get buff-
Yeah, I'm a skinny bugger; I need to put some meat on my bones. I also have to do it for the school concert as I'm a model. (They sure know how to pick'm.)

Burn the school books-
Yes this needs to be done. I've realized that everything I've studied will be useless in the month of June onwards. Although I might save some stuff for A levels.

Burn the Joke book-
Yes Himmy, we've been planning this for far too long.

Make more napalm-
This goes hand in hand with my last 2 missions

Frame my posters and buy new posters-
I've had the posters in my room taken down for the past 4 months because my mom was going to get them framed. I guess after exams I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. Also when I go back to the states, I need to buy some new posters and my room is quite bald.

Get some new gadgets-
This depends on my results and how generous my mom is. I want an mp3 player, phone, video card, external hard drive and many others. I probably won't get all of them, and if I did, I'd be quite spoiled.

Watch Lost Season 2-
I finished watching season 1 in about a weekend. For the past month I've been wanting to know what is in the hatch, what those numbers mean, who dies, who lives, what happens to Sawyer, Michael and the Korean guy, were there other people on the island and much more.
Suba promised me that she's going to give me the season after O's. Apparently it's not as good as the first season but I'm still interested.

Watch the new season of Family Guy-
I’m currently downloading at a whooping speed of 2.2kb/s on Azureus. By the time my exams finish, it'll probably be downloaded. That's if I leave my computer on day and night.

Just like everyone else.

Torch a car-
This also goes hand in hand with making napalm. I need to make an enemy first or find someone I don't like.

Try out new "stuff"-
I'm going to have to be vague on this one.

Watch more TV-
I haven't been able to watch the shows I like cause of all these classes and exams.

Hang out with the blonde more often-
We once hung out after school for 2 straight weeks. Today I saw Charlotte for the first time in 6 days.

Learn to ride a motor bike-
Those off-road dirt bikes are so awesome. I must learn to ride.

I haven't been behind the wheel for about 6 months. I need to get back in touch so I can pass my test when I go back to the states.

Watch movies-
There are some really awesome looking movies that I've wanted to watch but couldn't find them or buy them. This includes- MI: 3, X-men 3, Scary movie 4, Ultraviolet, V for Vendetta and a couple others.

Prank call people-
This is a bit jobless, but I've got a card with the all teacher's numbers on it and I need to put it to use.

Sort through my music collection-
I’ve got about 3000 songs but load are repeats and I’m going to have to clear all that up.

That's basically it. I'm sure that there is more and I'm sure that I probably won't do most of this stuff but I'm going to try hard.
Time to hit the books.

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