Sunday, August 06, 2006
Darth Pope
Casper (my sister's boyfriend) thought that the Pope kinda looks like Darth Sidious from starwars. I checked it up on the net. I'll let you be the judge. Have you ever seen them both in the same room?
Senses are weird aren't they? We're given about 5 senses when we're born, well most people are. Its weird cause if someone is missing a sense, like sight, their other senses get sharper... guess it's God's way of being fair. It would be weird to be missing a sense, but it got me thinking. Dare Devil is a blind superhero. Sight is the only sense that they could take away to make a superhero (just imagine some guy named Tasteless-man who claims to be a superhero). The Dare Devil character is cool idea accompanied by an average comic, stupid storylines and a really crappy movie. However, I came up with the perfect bad guy for Dare Devil to fight. An invisible man!!! It'd be perfect, the witnesses would think it's a ghost or something and they'd call the police and the police wouldn't know what to do since there are security cameras showing knives magically slitting people's throats. The invisible dude (who would have to be naked) could just slip around the police cars unseen by anyone… maybe the police dogs could start barking at him, but they’d be caged so they couldn’t do anything. I'm pretty sure the dogs would have a good enough sense of smell to find the invisible man and just imagine if they released a bunch of German Sheppard’s to attack some invisible man, I’d laugh my ass off… especially since he’s naked! Anyways, Dare Devil is the only superhero that could fight this guy. He could smell him and hear him just like he smells and hears anyone else. It'd be a pretty gay fight (a blind guy and an invisible guy… lol) but no one would notice since the idea of someone being an invisible criminal and someone being able to track him overwhelms them much more than his invisible fighting style. Actually movies with an invisible character kinda annoy me, well just the end credits. They're in the movie for 12 minutes at the beginning and they're first on the list! Just for voicing the movie. While everyone else is busting their ass, pretending to be choked by air, they end up as supporting actors and actresses. Someday someone will win an Oscar for playing an invisible character, cause they did such a great job doing those voiceovers and acting for those first 12 minutes. I honestly think that the backstage people deserve that trophy more, they're the ones who make it look like the doors are being opened and digitally add in some foot steps on sand just appearing. Just wanted to share my opinion on fictional invisibility and this idea for a cool comic or movie, and if someone ever steals this idea for a movie, I want the invisible actor to be like 20th on the list of credits as well as $12,000,000.