Wednesday, April 05, 2006


My Friends

I don’t feel like I’m lying when I say that I have a pretty wide network of friends, however, my friends at school are the backbone to my life, and I greatly depend on their support and input into my life. I’ve never felt so close to a bunch of people in my life to tell you the truth. So now I’m gonna give a brief description of each of my friends in the clique and my class members (btw, this is in no particular order):

Noemar (NEE-Mar) – short Pilipino dude, he’s one awesome dude, taught me a lot about counter-strike. He is currently 3rd in class. Very funny at times, other times he’s an F3 (private joke). He likes the same types of movies as I do. He really hates the French as well (a person not the people of France). Usually every cruel joke leads back to him, but no one can get mad at Neo.

Sulaiman (Su-Lay-Maun) – Not quite the smartest in the class but the class would definitely not be the same without him. Very funny dude, even when he’s not trying to be. We use to hate each other in form 3 but we grew to become good friends, now we have no problem making fun of each other’s upbringings or religious background (or is it just me making fun of him?) Oh well, he doesn’t take it personal.

Nathan (Naw-Thaun) – Whilst he’s been going out with Zara for the past 2 years and change, he’s maintained a respectable role in class. At times, very serious, other times he’s as goofy as me. He is currently 4th in class. He hasn’t smoked or drunk at all in his life, and I respect that. Nathan is also very open minded and is a very deep thinker, that’s why Math is not his subject and subjects like History and Lit are. Btw, he is really good at singing and is helping in the next Moir School Concert.

Fazlul (Fauz-Lool) – Fazlul is an awesome bugger, quite double sided if you ask me. He’s into Gangster Rap and System of the Down, but he’s also into Jazz (specifically saxophone). Fazlul is really innocent, open-minded and sweet at times and you can have a pretty deep conversation with him, and he’s also very tough and angry like when we got kicked out of Xavier’s class and this really pissed Fazlul off (ask me about it later, can’t be bothered explaining it now). To tell you the truth, I really think Fazlul’s family has torrettes syndrome. Fazlul doesn’t show off although he probably easily could if he wanted to.

Seo Ho (So-Ho) – This bugger is very freaky. He joined from British last year and I think he finally found a place where he fits in. True he doesn’t hang out with the Koreans much, but I think that’s a healthy thing for him. Seo ho lacked self-confidence when he first joined but we did a pretty good job building him up. Sorry dude but sometimes I really can’t understand what you say. Oh well it’s fun pissing him off and it’s not like you don’t piss Charlotte off at times!!!

Chrissy (Kris-eey) – yes she was very anti-social in form 3 but now we know her very well. Well first of all, she’s white, and the teachers seem to like that. She is currently 5th equal in the class. She always considers the outcome much more then anyone else and has very deep thoughts and never wants to harm another person in any way (except when she punches me and she punches hard!!). Oh well I deserve those punches most of the time. She’s basically the Saint of the class (with a rock hard fist).

Gayan (Guy-aun) – Most of you would know Gayan or have seen him. Almost every girl thinks he’s amazingly hot, seriously don’t bother, he’s been happily going out with Melanie for several months now. He is on scholarship, not for his brains but for cricket. He’s gonna do extremely well as long as he doesn’t lose a body part or get paralyzed or something, but if that happens then he’ll pose quite a threat for the Special Olympics.

Chivanthi (Chiv-anth-eey) – Chiva is a very sweet girl, she doesn’t talk to me much but she makes all the new comers to the school feel welcome. Not much I can really say, because I barely hang out with her. Except I had my first cigarette smoking experience with her (don’t tell my mom).

Charlotte (Shar-Lot) – Everyone love’s charlotte, she gets all the good grades, sucks up to all the teachers (enough to get a cake), doesn’t ever get into trouble, except that one time I got her on detention for throwing paper (sorry ‘bout that). She’s currently jockeying for first with Zara in class positions. I don’t think I have any friends outside of school that haven’t met charlotte at some point. I always hang out with her. I know basically everything about her. She’s also a party freak, she goes and gets drunk and stoned, and then I record it, and then she gets all embarrassed. She is also very blonde, “is gravity going to the left?”, “100 100 100 100”, While I’m pealing an orange “Hey Luke what are you going to do with that orange?” but seriously I haven’t met a girl cooler than Charlotte.

Sheron (Sher-on) – She won 12 consecutive all-island electric organ competitions (or something like that). I remember when she and I were the school photographers. I’m happy that we’re not now. I just remember buying loads and loads of film rolls and the school would never pay me back and they’d only pick out 3 good shots from a roll of 48. Anyways Sheron is very fun to tease although I feel bad about it cause she’s very innocient.

Shankari (Shaunk-ar-eey) - A member of the class that I rarely talk to. I’ve never caught her doing anything wrong, whether it’s a prank or pissing someone off. For some reason I think she’s actually somewhat afraid of me. Ah well, she’s a nice girl.

Yaeesh (Yaeh-ish)– Skinny Bugger!!! Yayooh is possibly the most made fun of guy in the class, and I don’t know why (personally I think it should be Shehan). He’s very into his studies and puts a lot of hard work in. He’s also an Arsenal supporter. He looooves football, and usually is pretty good at it, this guy runs faster then the wind, although I did catch you that one time.

Anjalie (Anj-al-eey)– Anj is possibly the sweetest person I’ve met in my entire life. Once she said something mean to Sulaiman (I don’t know what). Sulaiman felt a bit down for the rest of the day. Then the next day Anj brought him a homemade batch of brownies. I really miss the free periods I use to have on Fridays in form 4 with her. Man we had the funniest time ever making each person in the school a different animal. Please don’t leave the school at the end of the year. She also has an awesome range of high pitched noises she can make when squeezed poked or thrown around. Someday, your head will explode.

Sararah (Sah-raah-rah)– Although she’s in form 3, she still hangs out with us. Very sweet and cute and seems to love our class.

Melanie (Mel-aon-eey) – Currently going out with Gayan. It’s safe to say that just about every guy has had a crush on Melanie at some point (except Seoho). She’s a really fun person to hang out with and is constantly either on TV, in Hi Magazine, or going to Switzerland or Europe. Although she’s very pretty, it hasn’t gotten to her head. Oh and when you put around 15 backpacks around her neck, she’ll turn about as red as Farij.

Shehan (Shay-Haun) – The big fat black dude of the class. I would have to say he’s the most popular member of the class. Whenever Shehan is at the canteen, everyone at the assembly area says “where’s Shehan?” There has never been a bad time hanging out with Shehan for me. Probably because we’re constantly thinking up new jokes and insults. Even when we’re with 3 girls that hate us, we can still have an amazing time. Then at some point, I realize that we both desperately need girlfriends. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for the card.

Usman (Uzz-Maun) – The Fat-ass Jihad. “Do I know you?” Usman is very much into gossip. He’s also very intellectual once you get past all that thickness on the outside. I can have really long conversations on the phone with this dude, talking about what we think of each person at school. I pretend to listen to his gibberish hahaha. But he’s a really nice guy and cares about everyone, and would be level headed if his ass didn’t make him all disproportionate (just kidding). Awesome bugger

Zara (Zah-Rah) – the brains of the class, very intellectual. Very smart and as Usman would say “sexy Zara”. I can’t believe I beat her in the general knowledge quiz last year!!!!! EAT THAT!!! Well Zara is also very caring. She’s been going out with Nathan for 2 years and change. I love my tuition classes with Zara and those retarded buggers. She could easily grow up to be a radio broadcaster for BBC but she’ll probably do something else instead.

Himansu (Him-aon-sue) – the Dark-lord of school. He does try to assume superiority over us and usually wins in dissing competitions although Shehan and I took him down that one time!!! Although himansu doesn’t usually look it, he has a soft heart, and cares deeply about his friends. I remember when someone in the class got anorexia and he really tried hard to help her out of it with other members of my class.

Rehan (Ray-Haun)– Possibly the most sophisticated 15-year old I know. He’s into Star Wars to a nerdish extent. But that doesn’t make him a bad person. I do feel a bit bad that the Star Wars games don’t work on his computers. He’s also really into movies. He watches load of movies and has learnt a lot that way. Although Rehan is amazingly cool, I think that if his parents weren’t so strict on him he’d be much more outgoing. Rehan also has a much defined style. He’s into Iron Maiden, and all those other Heavy Metal Classics. Don’t go to England.

Ameer (Aum-Ear)– New member of the class Chrissy *cough cough*. Sorry, anyways he’s an awesome bugger as far as I know. He’s an easy target to make fun of and doesn’t take stuff that seriously. He’s one of the only members of the class that is into the Doors as much as I am, but he doesn’t know jack shit about Pokemon. Oh and his sister’s name is his name backwards.

Shaufa (Shouw-Fah) – the newest member of the form 5 class. She may seem very quiet and innocent but if you find out about life before moving to Sri Lanka, you’ll realize that she use to be a pretty posh party animal. She messages me quite a lot and I’ve realized that she’s a lot more interesting then I gave her credit for initially. That was only cause I was absent for the week of school that she joined and everyone told me how quiet she was etc. etc.

Lakmini (Laok-Mee-Nee) – She looooves pink. She hangs out with us as well as her form (upper 6th) but whenever she’s around it’s a lot of fun. Very airy fairy, and that’s what I love about hanging out with her. She has a very sexy voice when it’s half lost as well.

Well that sums up the class pretty well. Please post your comments if you think I’m wrong about something. If you think I’m cruel to judge people, screw you!!! If I missed out someone, then I'm sorry, I'll add you in later or something. Hope you enjoy learning about my class and clique. Some day I’ll analyze every person in the school, but not tonight.


First Blog

Charlotte, you finally talked me into it... I started a blog. So now I get to talk about my boring thoughts and lifestyle and maybe even put in a few of my drawings in, cool cool, I feel so special! Well at times I might have something worth saying but I'm sure very few can relate to me, unless they're related to me (horrible joke).
Anyways, I'm just an average teenager living half in Sri Lanka, half in America (land of the free, home of the brave). Yes I pretty much dislike America, possibly because I wasted my last 2 summers there finding out what it's like to be continuously ditched by "friends". Soon to waste a 3rd summer.
Oh well I'm happy here in Sri Lanka, it's easy to get to meet new people on a regular basis and I'm not known as the neighborhood immigrant here (although I live in an apartment inhabited by Tamils and Mormons).
School here is more challenging although I've pretty much adapted to it (I’m 5th in the form) with less then 2 months more to go for o-levels I think I'll do pretty good, hopefully A's and B's. Seriously how the hell am I suppose to study 6-12 hours a day?
But life's not all about studies is it? I prefer the social aspect of school much more then these retarded subjects. It's awesome meeting new people from every school, mostly from AIS, CIS, OSC and British whether it's at a sports meet, a concert or CNL its awesome meeting new people. Btw, I go to Moir.
Anyways, don't expect anything exceptionally amazing, just posting up my own little expressions and ideas which set me apart from most. Hopefully I won't end up making an ass out of myself.
Bon Appetite

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